The ability to learn depends on our mind-body state of feeling safe or in danger, according to research.
Hello and welcome to our Resources page.
Here is where you will find future webinars on
Polyvagal informed, mind-body approaches to
teaching regulated life-long learners. Start by enjoying
the free three-part introduction “We Can
Learn to Grow Our Ability to Learn Within
We Can Learn to Grow our Ability to Learn, Part II: Brain Science and Personal Narratives
Evolution hardwired our Autonomic Nervous System to ensure our survival. In survival states, learning may be hindered and our minds create personal narratives.
We Can Learn To Grow Our Ability To Learn Part III: Resilient Learners
Polyvagal Theory informed relationships and teaching grant access to our ability to be resilient learners and build pathways to our dreams, goals, and ambitions.